🔀 How to untangle and manage build distribution — Webinar, May 16th — Register
🔀 How to untangle and manage build distribution — Webinar, May 16th — Register

Product Updates

Feature Readiness 2.0

Teams rely on the Feature Readiness step to understand exactly what is shipping with each release, and to identify inconsistencies and potential blockers before they turn into showstoppers. We’ve now made this even easier and more dependable.

A new look, and even more info

There’s a new tabbed layout, allowing you to easily jump between “pending” and “done” buckets, and item-level data is rearranged for at-a-glance clarity and to accommodate more useful info, like project names and ticket labels. 

Screenshot showing improved tabbed interface for Feature Readiness in Runway

Clicking on an item’s row will open a new details drawer. Navigate here to see the full run-down on a particular item of work, with extra info drawn from across your different tools.

Animation showing informational drawer for items in Feature Readiness in Runway

Item-level build info

We’re especially excited to add associated builds to the Feature Readiness step, to help point your entire team in the right direction when they need to check out particular work. Runway will now surface the latest relevant build each item of work can be found in: either your latest or selected Release Candidate build, or else the latest working branch build. (Or, if the item of work hasn’t yet appeared in any build, that’s communicated clearly as well.)

Screenshot showing associated build info for items in Feature Readiness in Runway

Note that if your working branch build workflow is different than your Release Candidate workflow, you’ll want to hop into your app’s CI/CD integration settings in Runway and set the correct working branch workflow to get fully up and running.

More filters, and sorting

We’ve added even more filters that you can use to hone in on specific subsets of items: you can now filter items by project, ticket owner, code author, and code or ticket status. And, with the addition of various sorting options, you should be able to fine-tune the Feature Readiness view to make it most useful both to you as an individual contributor and on a team level. 

Animation showing new Sort and Filter options in Feature Readiness in Runway

Top stability issues

Runway now shows top stability issues for every release! These are surfaced both on the app overview screen and on the “Release” step within each release. New issues for a given release are bucketed and highlighted accordingly. (Available for Bugsnag and Sentry integrations to start with; we hope to follow with Firebase Crashlytics soon.) 

Animation showing a table of the top stability issues for a live release in Runway

Self-service user management

Although we’re always happy to help out with user management, you can now do more of that yourselves! Runway now supports self-service editing of user roles and removal of users from your organization. For either action, head to your org settings screen and click the gear icon next to a user.

Animation showing self-service user management functionality in Runway

Notification settings

We’ve put some effort into improving the self-service experience around notifications, so you can fine-tune exactly which messages go where (even to release-specific channels!). Here’s what that entails:

  • You can now enable or disable each type of notification Runway sends on a granular level. And, specific notification types can be directed to any channel of your choosing, overriding your overall, “Primary channel” selection.
Animation showing configuring a Slack notification type to go to a custom specified channel in Runway
  • We know many teams create release-specific channels for each release, and Runway now supports – and helps automate – that! If a channel setting in Runway includes the “{version}” pattern, Runway will resolve that to a channel name for each release, using the appropriate release version. Additionally, Runway can now automatically create those release-specific channels in Slack if they don’t already exist. 
Animation showing entering a release-specific channel pattern in a Slack notification setting in Runway
  • All channel selections, both “Primary channel” and any notification-specific overrides, now support multiple channels each. If you need certain updates surfaced in more than one place, enter multiple channels and Runway will send messages to all.
Animation showing configuring a Slack notification from Runway to be sent to multiple channels

Custom Android staged rollouts

Many of our Android teams rely on Runway to automate their staged rollouts, and a common ask has been for customization of the default 7-day rollout schedule.

Now, you can customize your staged Android rollouts to suit your team’s needs! In “Release defaults” in your app’s settings, just specify the number of days in your rollout and define the rollout percentage for each day, and Runway will do the rest.

Animation showing configuring a custom multi-day staged rollout in Runway

Self-service account creation

Now, new team members can create their own accounts on Runway! And, as long as their email domain matches one of the allowed domains associated with your organization, they’ll automatically be added to your Runway org. Sign in with Google and GitHub are also now available, helping you onboard even more smoothly. Note that if you have SSO/SAML configured, your new team members should continue signing up via that flow.

Firebase stability monitoring integration

We know many teams are using Firebase for crash reporting (RIP Crashlytics), so we’re excited to announce that we’ve finally added it as another one of our stability monitoring integrations in Runway! Google certainly doesn’t make things easy, since there’s no API, but it turns out a combination of BigQuery exports and Firebase Analytics data makes an integration possible. To guide you through setup, we've created detailed Firebase setup documentation.

Screenshot showing stability monitoring information from Firebase within Runway

Automatic dSYM download & upload

Say goodbye to the annoying dSYM download/upload dance! Runway can now automatically download dSYMs for all builds sent to App Store Connect and then upload those dSYMs to your stability monitoring platform. Currently available for our Sentry and Bugsnag integrations – we hope to add Firebase support soon.

Screenshot showing the status of dSYMs uploaded to Sentry by Runway

Invite your team via email

To make the process of adding new team members even easier, you can now invite any number of people to join your organization in Runway. Each person will receive an email invite and will be immediately added to your org.

Animation showing a flow of inviting teammates to Runway


Although we do truly love interacting directly with you all and talking through questions and answers over Slack, we finally put together some documentation which should help address the most common questions and areas of confusion. Head to https://docs.runway.team and keep an eye out as we update and add to the content there!

Stakeholder approvals

We’ve made the stakeholder approval process a first class citizen within Runway – simply add items to your approvals list, optionally assign ownership roles, and let your team take it from there. Stakeholders can easily pop into Runway to flag or approve items for the release, and they can also leave comments on items if needed.

Animation showing interaction with the Approvals step functionality in Runway

If an approval item does have an ownership role associated with it, only users with the appropriate role will be able to update its status. As your team works its way through approvals, everyone can stay on the same page thanks to real-time updates sent to your Slack channel.

Screenshot of a Slack notification showing an approval happening in Runway
Screenshot of a Slack notification showing a comment added to an approval item in Runway

Regression test cases

We know some of our teams have been using checklist items as a lightweight regression test scripting tool, so we expanded and formalized this usage by adding the ability to create and run through dedicated regression test cases. They have more relevant statuses (In Progress, Blocked, Failed, and Passed) and can also now be commented on.

Animation of exploring regression test cases functionality in Runway

Improved schedule rollover logic

We’ve loved seeing our teams using Runway’s release schedule feature to keep their release train moving and on-time. But we also know that off-schedule releases occasionally need to be slotted in, and that that can sometimes throw off the schedule on upcoming releases.

Now, if an unplanned release enters the picture, Runway will automatically shift scheduled dates for upcoming releases, however the situation demands. For example, if a hotfix release is slotted in and delays the next scheduled release, Runway will shift that release’s dates over to the next cycle. If a regular release is slotted in, Runway will automatically apply appropriate target dates to that new release according to your cadence, and shift the following release’s dates.

As a reminder, you can view your release’s target dates in the schedule module accessible at the top of any step.

Screenshot of schedule calendar in Runway showing a paused cadence

Automation retries

Previously, Runway would attempt to perform your kickoff, submission and release automations only once; if Runway was unable to execute the automation for any reason, things would end there, and you’d have to proceed manually. Now, Runway will retry these key automations up to five times, and will notify you if things still ended in failure at the end of the retry cycle. You’ll notice a ‘Retrying...’ status on the automations tab if Runway is in the process of retrying your automation.

Screenshot of schedule calendar in Runway showing an automation automatically being retried
Screenshot of the Automation tab in Runway showing the status of an automation being retried

Automatically pause unstable phased releases

Runway can now monitor the stability of your releases and automatically pause a phased release or staged rollout if the stability of the update falls below your defined threshold.

Animation showing configuration of an automation in Runway that automatically pauses unstable phased releases.

Just define an acceptable delta value relative to your app’s average session stability, and rest easy knowing that if anything goes wrong, Runway will notify you and pause the rollout before any more of your users receive the buggy update.

Automatically accelerate stable phased releases

We know how important it is to get updates out to all of your users as quickly as possible – but only once your team is confident that the update is stable. Now, Runway can automatically accelerate your rollouts to 100% of users if the stability of the update stays above your app’s average session stability, and only once adoption hits a minimum percentage you define.

Animation showing configuration of an automation that accelerates stable phased releases to 100% in Runway

Improved hotfix flow

We know everyone’s goal is to avoid hotfixes entirely. But when you do need to do one, you want it to happen fast. We designed a quicker flow for preparing hotfix releases so you can get critical fixes out the door faster and with more confidence.

Animation showing improved hotfix creation flow in Runway

You can start a hotfix using the "Prepare new" dropdown on the main releases timeline. Runway will create the new release and immediately kick it off by cutting a hotfix branch from your live release’s tag and bumping the version on that branch.

Past releases on app Overview

Previously, the app Overview screen only displayed your live, next, and upcoming releases. Now, you can see a complete list of your past releases, along with reviews, stability information and key dates associated with each release.

Animation showing scrolling through past releases from the App overview page in Runway